Jupyter in Production at PyData Pittsburgh
I was pleased to present a version of my talk Jupyter in Production for a recent gathering of the PyData Pittsburgh meetup group. We had a great turnout, and I enjoyed the opportunity to engage with attendees in an extended and thoughtful question-and-answer session after the talk.
You can find the slides for my talk below, as well as links to all the tools, references, and resources I highlight.
Linked References and Resources
- nbdev
- ploomber
- voila
- parente/nbestimate: Estimate of Public Jupyter Notebooks on GitHub
- Congratulations to the LIGO and VIRGO Collaborations from Project Jupyter
- Jupyter receives the ACM Software System Award
- nbdev: use Jupyter Notebooks for everything
- nbdev: A Minimal Example
- nbdev: Fix merge conflicts
- nbdev tutorial
- How nbdev helps us structure our data science workflow in Jupyter Notebooks - Overstory
- nbdime — diffing and merging of Jupyter Notebooks
- ReviewNB - Jupyter Notebook Code Reviews & Collaboration
- nbQA
- ploomber use cases — Machine Learning
- Part 2: Scheduling Notebooks at Netflix - Netflix Technology Blog
- ploomber — Basic concepts
- ploomber — Your first Python pipeline
- jupytext
- sysuin/covid-19-world-dashboard: Interactive visualizations of the impact of covid-19 around the world
- dhaitz/machine-learning-interactive-visualization: Interactive visualization of machine learning model evaluation metrics
- voila-dashboards/voila-vuetify: Dashboard template for Voilà based on VuetifyJS
This post was originally published on datatheoretic.com.
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